Fermented food recipes | How to make Sagohachi Pickles

Sagohachi (meaning 358) pickles is a fermented food that is the origin of salted-koji. This name comes from the fact that it is made by mixing salt, rice koji and rice in a ratio of 3:5:8.
You can eat it like a salad with the refreshing aroma and faint sweetness of malted rice added to the vegetables.
It is convenient because you can pickle vegetables many times just by adding water to Sagohachi pickles seasoning and making a pickling paste.


  • 400g Sagohachi pickles seasoning
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1/5 (200g/7oz) daikon radish
  • 1/2 (100g/3.5oz) carrot
  • 160ml water


Make pickling paste
  • Put 400g of sagohachi pickles seasoning and 160ml of water in a container and mix well.
Pickling vegetables
  • Wash the vegetables. Remove the hard stem end and the tip from the cucumber. Peel the daikon radishes and carrots and cut them in half lengthwise.
  • Put the vegetables in the pickling paste and pickle in the refrigerator for 8 hours.
  • Take the vegetables out of the pickle paste, rinse and cut into bite-sized pieces.
  • You can eat the pickled vegetables by simply wiping pickling paste off without washing them.
  • You can store the pickling paste in the refrigerator and pickle vegetables repeatedly. After the second time, please pickle vegetables for about 10 hours.
  • If you pickle vegetables several times, the saltiness of the pickling paste will be diluted. Remove excess water and add salt or Sagohachi pickles seasoning to adjust the taste.
  • If you cannot eat all the pickled vegetables at once, take them out of the pickling paste and store them in a storage bag without washing them (storage: about 2 days).
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