How to make Sweet Pickled Takada Ume

Takada Ume, which is bigger than a golf ball, is a specialty of the Aizu region of Fukushima.
Locals have traditionally pickled Takada Ume in rock sugar. It has a crunchy texture and a faint sweetness, making it perfect for tea or rice.
While pickling Ume, I remembered eating pickles such as pickled Ume while drinking green tea with my grandmother when I was in elementary school.


INGREDIENTS for Sweet Pickled Ume

DAY 1: Preparation

  • 1kg Takada Ume (Japanese green plums)

DAY2: Pickled in Salt

  • 1 Food storage bag (Ziplock etc.)
  • 80g coarse salt (8% of the plum weight)
  • 1 tbsp shochu (vodka/white rum 35% or higher)

DAY5: Pickled in Red Shiso

  • 300g red shiso 
  • 2 tbsp coarse salt
  • 250g rock sugar (25% of the plum weight)
  • 200ml vinegar
  • 1 tsp shochu (vodka/white rum 35% or higher)

DAY12: Preserve

  • 1.5L glass jar

INSTRUCTIONS for Sweet Pickled Ume

DAY 1: Preparation
  • Select undamaged, green unripe Takada Ume (Ume/Japanese plums).
  • Gently wash the Ume and soak them in salt water (3% / not listed) overnight to remove bitterness (use a non-metal bowl).
DAY2: Pickled in Salt
  • Drain the Ume and wipe off the water with a clean cloth.
  • Make a cut in the Ume with a kitchen knife, divide it into 8 equal parts, and remove the stems and seeds (you can also use a Ume-cracker to break them into suitable sizes).
  • Put the Ume and shochu (vodka 35% or higher) in a food storage bag (Ziplock etc.) and mix. Add coarse salt and mix the salt with the Ume.
  • Put a 2kg weight on the Ume and place them in the refrigerator for 3 days until the Ume vinegar comes out. Turn the Ume upside down once a day.
DAY5: Pickled in Red Shiso
  • Pick red shiso leaves, wash well while changing the water several times, and squeeze out the water.
  • Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of coarse salt and rub it well with your hands to remove the bitterness. Squeeze the red shiso and discard the juice. 
  • Once again, sprinkle 1 tablespoon of coarse salt and rub it well with your hands. Squeeze the red shiso and discard the juice (Do not wash the red shiso with water).
  • Add a little of the Ume vinegar from the salted plums to the red shiso and loosen (makes the color brighter).
  • Spread the red shiso on the salted Takada Ume and add rock sugar, vinegar and shochu (vodka 35% or higher).
  • Put a 2kg weight on it and place it in the refrigerator for a week, turning it upside down once a day.
DAY12: Preserve
  • When the Takada Ume turn red, put the Takada Ume and Ume vinegar in a sterilized glass jar and store in the refrigerator.
DAY30: Ready to eat
  •  It tastes best after one month of pickling.

・About 6 months in the refrigerator

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