Healthy Habits | Peach Fruit Vinegar

Fukushima’s peach “Akatsuki” arrived from my mother.
Every year I look forward to this season when I can eat sweet and juicy Akatsuki.
Fresh fruit is best eaten as it is, but if you can’t eat it all, it’s also recommended to make it into fruit vinegar.
Fruit vinegar is storable and works great as a vinegar drink or dressing.
Other than peaches, you can enjoy making fruit vinegar using a ratio of 1:1:1 for fruit, crystal sugar, and vinegar.


INGREDIENTS for Peach Fruit Vinegar

  • 1 peach (about 280g)
  • 230g rock sugar
  • 230ml vinegar (rice vinegar, apple cider vinegar)
  • 1 cinnamon stick (herbs and spices of your choice/optional)
  • 5 cloves (whole) (herbs and spices of your choice/optional)
  • 1L glass jar
Healthy Habits | Peach Fruit Vinegar

INSTRUCTIONS for Peach Fruit Vinegar

  • Glass jars should be sterilized in advance by boiling (or alcohol) and dried.
Cut a Peach
  • Wash the peach well.
  • Cut the peach lengthwise around the seed. Twist and split it in half. Remove seeds with a spoon.
  • Cut peaches into 8 wedges and peel.
Pickle a Peach
  • Place a peach and granulated sugar alternately in a glass jar (adjust so that the top is granulated sugar).
  • Add a cinnamon stick and cloves (whole). Pour vinegar.
  • Cover the glass jar and store in a cool place. During hot weather, store in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.
  • Shake the jar lightly once a day, and it’s ready when the granulated sugar dissolves in a week. 

How to sterilize the jar by boiling

1. Wash the storage jar thoroughly with dishwashing detergent and dry it.
2. Place a dishcloth on the bottom of the pot and place the bottle on top.
3. Add enough water to cover the jar and bring to a boil. Then reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
4. Turn the jar upside down and let it dry.

  • Can be stored in refrigerator for 2 weeks. 
  • By removing the peaches as soon as the fruit vinegar is ready, the vinegar can be stored for up to a month.
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