How to boil Bamboo Shoots

When I was a kid, in May, my family often went to relative’s bamboo grove in Fukushima to dig bamboo shoots. Bamboo shoots are said to be delicious with less bitterness when dug in the morning. I enjoyed going out to dig bamboo shoots early in the morning with my mother’s handmade rice balls.
The flavor and taste of fresh seasonal bamboo shoots is exceptional.


  • 2 bamboo shoots 
  • 3/4 cup rice bran 
  • 1 dried chili pepper

You can use 3 tablespoons of rice instead of rice bran.



  • Peel a few outer skins and wash.
  • Remove the hard part of the bottom and cut off the tip diagonally about 5 cm. Make a vertical cut with a depth of about 1 to 2 cm.
Boil bamboo shoots
  • Put bamboo shoots, rice bran, and a chili pepper in a pan, and pour plenty of water to cover the bamboo shoots.
  • Cook on high heat and bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to low (be careful as it tends to boil over). Place a small lid or plate on the bamboo shoots so that they do not float, and boil for about 1 hour. Add water when the amount of water is reduced.
  • Check if the skewer go through the root of the bamboo shoots easily, and turn off the heat. Let it cool overnight in the pot.
Peel bamboo shoots
  • Peel the bamboo shoots from the cuts. The soft skin inside is called “himekawa” and delicious, so save it.
  • Cut off the tip and remove the remaining skin with the back of the knife.
  • Put bamboo shoots and water in a container for storage.

・”Himekawa” is the soft skin inside, and it is delicious to eat with salt and sesame oil.


・You can keep in the refrigerator for up to 5 days by changing the water every day.

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